'FNP' is the biting new single by Bristol via Bournemouth musician and lone ranger Billy Nomates. Set over a dark and unsettlingly bouncy backdrop of 80s-inspired synth sounds, precise beats give focus to Nomates' honest lyricism. Resembling a more noticeably pissed off Kate Tempest at points, lines like "cos I was born with a fork, not a spoon, life is too expensive", cut like a knife. She explains: “Just under a year ago, before the UK election around a lots of Brexit talk. All the good stuff was happening without me and it was because good stuff was for people with money. The song’s about anyone and every one that feels forgotten, unheard, left behind and angry. We're the majority.” 'FNP' is out now via Portishead and Beak> founder Geoff Barrow's Invada Records. -Holly Mullineaux
